Halo: Reach To Feature Scalable Co-Op Difficulty

Bungie has said co-op difficulty in Halo: Reach will be scalable.

In a discussion with Kotaku, Brian Jarrard said enemies will be more difficult to kill and more intelligent when there are multiple players working on a campaign together.

Lucky for gamers. Previous Halo titles didn’t automatically adjust difficulty levels and instead relied on gamers to do so themselves. While some people figured it out and increased the difficulty level, many just plowed through, wishing the experience was tougher.

Reach’s enemies will become tougher with each player that joins, meaning, essentially, that the challenge should be extraordinary in 4 player co-op.

Halo: Reach is set for a September 14 release, and honestly, it looks great. It features Space Combat in addition to the traditional FPS-based gameplay of Halo, and is reportedly pushing the 360’s capabilities to the limit. It will be Bungie’s last Halo effort.

Source: Kotaku

Geoff Calver

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