Ubisoft is Setting the Bar for Next Gen Gaming


With the arrival of the PS4 on November 15th, next gen gaming will officially hit the market. Between now and then, we will be taking a look at several different third party and first party developers who are working hard to make next gen gaming the best possible. Ubisoft is the first third party developer we are going to look at and we will be checking out four of their upcoming next gen releases.



The most highly anticipated Ubisoft next gen launch title has to be Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. While we know it will also be a current gen release, the game truly shines brighter with its release on the PS4 and Xbox One.


Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag is the freshest Assassin’s Creed® episode since the first one. It introduces an open and seamless world filled with life and opportunities, in a gritty and authentic pirate lifestyle setting. The game runs on an enhanced engine and presents a true Next-Gen experience! As a Pirate trained by Assassins, you will be standing up against all odds to DEFY order, authority and Templars in your search for glory.

Next Gen Screenshots

Our Impressions

The Assassin’s Creed series has always been one of the best franchises around. Assassin’s Creed III introduced an entirely new element to the series, naval warfare, and allowed gamers to feel like they were really at sea. AC IV: Black Flag builds on that element by creating a game where we live on the sea. The rolling seas have become our battlefield, and the game truly looks incredible on next gen consoles.

The lights, the shadows, the characters, everything looks better then ever before.

Gamescom Stealth Trailer


A devastating pandemic sweeps through New York City, and one by one, basic services fail. In only days, without food or water, society collapses into chaos. The Division, a classified unit of self-supported tactical agents, is activated. Leading seemingly ordinary lives among us, Division agents are trained to operate independently in order to save society. When society falls, your mission begins.

Next Gen Screenshots

Our Impressions

The Division introduces gamers to a concept that most have never experienced before. Companion App gaming is central for the Wii U console and LittleBigPlanet 2 for the PS3 has used the PS Vita as a second screen and controller, but tablets haven’t been used much when it comes to console gaming. Ubisoft aims to change that by giving you the ability to track real time in-game action from your tablet of choice.  The game not only looks great on next gen consoles, it is also innovative.

Companion App Gaming

THECREW_LOGO_Black_1376916663The Crew is a revolutionary action-driving game developed exclusively for next-gen consoles that leverages the new hardware capabilities to connect players online like never before. The Crew takes you and your friends on a reckless ride inside a massive, open-world recreation of the United States that is brimming with exciting challenges. Generous in content and tailored for the connected generation, The Crew is the next-gen game that redefines action-driving.

Next Gen Screenshots

Our Impressions

Driving games can generally be put into one of two camps. Racing simulators like Gran Turismo and Forza and arcade racers like Driver: San Francisco and Need for Speed: Most WantedThe Crew seems to fall into the arcade camp, which is definitely not a bad thing. The game looks fun and fast paced, with quite a bit of racing action. Open world racers are few and far between, but it’s looking like Ubisoft is making sure the next gen of gamers get an open world racer pretty quick. While not a launch title, early 2014 isn’t that far off.

Announcement Video


Watch_Dogs is Ubisoft’s new IP that sets the bar of next generation gaming. Extremely relevant with the society we live in, Watch_Dogs explores the realities of a connected society, and a completely new gaming experience where everything and everyone is connected… In a world led by technology, hacking is our weapon.

Next Gen Screenshots

 Our Impressions

Once again Ubisoft adds innovation to an already impressive title by giving us the ability to use a companion app with our console. Not only does the game look great, but the story itself ties into real world situations. With all of the stories of the real life NSA gaining access to every American’s phone records, email accounts, and cell phone texts, the storyline should intrigue all gamers while at the same time be a wake up call for our own personal freedoms.

Watch Dogs E3 2013 Trailer (PS4)


Are you ready for the next gen? Ubisoft is.


Louis Edwards

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