Scene It? Movie Night: Mega Movies is now available on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade. Should you get your popcorn ready, or is this game worthy of a raspberry? Read our review to find out.
The Scene It? series started out as a DVD movie game, using video clips and trivia to test your knowledge on a variety of movies. It has grown to include games covering James Bond, the Twilight Series, TV shows, and many others. It has since grown to also include video games for your PC, handhelds, and consoles. Their latest release, Scene It? Movie Night: Mega Movies, has just joined the console family and is quite a bit of fun.

Up to four players may play Scene It? Movie Night: Mega Movies simultaneously, thinking quickly to buzz in with the fastest correct answers to a variety of questions and puzzles about a variety of blockbuster movies. Players watch film clips and answer detailed questions, or fill in missing dialogue and solve visual puzzles. Fourteen different puzzle types keep the game from becoming monotonous, and makes for a great party or family game. Each round ends with a “Quick Pitch” battle, or lightning round, which can have your points going up or down rather quickly.
The variety of puzzle types gives the game a great feel. Mixing these types up for each round makes every round almost unique. Video clips are decent quality, and you never know what questions will be asked about them, so pay close attention. Clips from 20 top films including Saving Private Ryan, The Godfather, Forrest Gump, Ghost, and Sons of Perdition are in the game, so just about every movie fan should be happy.
Game Video
One of our favorite game types is Pixel Flix and will test your ability to recognize a movie based on some very old school graphics. The quicker you buzz in and answer, the more points you can earn, but some of these will really test your knowledge. Seeing 8-bit characters on the screen can make it hard to recognize Captain America.

Scene It? Movie Night: Mega Movies is a fun and fast paced trivia game that can be enjoyed for hours. It is available on the PSN for $9.99 and XBLA for 800 msp. Future DLC will be in the form of themed Game Packs like Sci-Fi Movies and promises to include as much content as the original release.
If you love movies, and love trivia, you’ll love this game.