Street Fighter V Rise Up & Gather Fans Event in the Philippines


On location at the Nommu bar at Metrowalk, Pasig City in the Philippines with Street Fighter V

Last February 12th, 2016, PlayStation Asia just recently held an event here in Nommu bar at Metrowalk, Pasig City in the Philippines. A sneak peak on the PS4 Exclusive Street Fighter V that will be available officially on February 16th here in the South East Asian Region.

They brought along with them is Singaporean Xian Kun HO (@xianmsg) of Team Razer. He is EVO 2013 Champion on Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition. And He is also a host in Cross Counter Asia on YouTube. They have a mini competition and win a chance to fight Xian. I’m one of a few invited privileged group to try out SFV before its official launch next week. Congratulations to the winners and to Ben Gonzales Jr. for winning 1st Place and for receiving the Arcade Fightstick Tournament Edition (TE2) by MadCatz as his prize. Thank you PlayStation Asia and Sony Philippines for the invite!


And lastly, Thank you Xian Kun HO for signing my Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition 2012!

Victor 'Hid3o' Velasco

PlayStation Gamer. MGS fan since 1998. Playing videogames circa 1993.

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