Sony is unveiling so many new items at E3, it’s getting harder to keep up with them all. Check out their new 3D Display, with a tech explanation of how it works, after the jump.

Sony is already known for its line of Bravia 3D TV’s, so this isn’t their first foray into the 3D market. What sets this 3D displat apart from all of the other 3D displays out there is its ability to “share” the screen with two gamers at once, but not in your traditional split screen.

Above you can see how most games share the screen with two gamers. This is the standard vertical sharing.

One screen, but two active images for two different players at one time.

The glasses are used to differentiate between player one and player two.

Very impressive technology. Each 3D Display will include one pair of 3D Glasses as well as an HDMI cable and a copy of Resistance 3 on Blu-ray disc—all for $499.99 (MSRP). The display is also compatible with all other devices designed to work with a TV, so this isn’t just a gaming device, but a full 3D TV.
Not a bad price for the package.