Tweet By far the biggest announcement at PAX Prime in Seattle this week was the news that Duke Nukem Forever isn’t as dead as it seemed. It turns out that 2K Games purchased the...
Gearbox is developing Aliens: Colonial Marines after taking a long hiatus from the title while focusing the studio’s efforts on the hit RPG/Shooter hybrid Borderlands. Gearbox’s President Randy Pitchford told MCV that work on...
The third DLC package for THQ and Gearbox Software’s Borderlands arrives today. The DLC, The Secret Armory of General Knoxx, features a raised level cap, improvements to the enemy AI, new villains, a host...
Borderlands, Gearbox’s RPG / Shooter hybrid has sold 3 million units; a strong indicator of continuing sales momentum in 2010. The title was 2009’s fastest-selling original IP and it will soon see its third...