Jimmy’s Vendetta Bringing Hot Action to Mafia II

Did you hear? We kind of liked Mafia II. Sure, it’s received mixed reviews from the press, but we freaking loved it. Why? Well, it’s a great story, fantastic action, and it’s extremely well acted. And, while Empire Bay isn’t full of side quests and bonus missions, it is beautifully designed. There’s a lot of hard work that went into the game, and we highly recommend it.

Which is why we’re also really excited about Jimmy’s Vendetta, a DLC pack for the Xbox 360, and PS3 that will be available on September 7. Woah, that’s not a long ways away, is it?

Jimmy’s Vendetta will follow Jimmy, a man who cleans up messes (AKA kicks ass) and will basically be an action-packed howitzer of a game. In fact, it will encompass thirty messy, violent acts. That’s a lot of Mafia action!

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It will be the second piece of DLC for the newly-released title. The first, The Betrayal of Jimmy, was released in conjunction with the PlayStation 3 version of the game and is unavailable to Xbox 360 gamers. It will retail for $9.99/800 MS Points.

It’s been a pretty sweet beginning of the week for the Mafia II team and Take-Two, the game’s publishers. Mafia II was just announced as the biggest first-week release in the UK since Take-Two’s own Red Dead Redemption was released 14 weeks ago. We’ll have to wait to see U.S. numbers, but it wouldn’t be a surprise to see similar results.

Check out some new screens above, and get excited Mafia fans!

Geoff Calver

Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Game lover. XBL Gamertag: GeoffCalver

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