Just Cause 2 Explodes With Another New Black Market DLC Pack

If you have been playing Just Cause 2 recently and have thought to yourself, “Gee, this game is really great, but it could use more chaos,” then you are going to be very happy about the new DLC announced for the game. The “Boom Pack” will give players three new prototype weapons which will cause unlimited (well, maybe somewhat limited) amounts of destruction.

Here are the weapons and descriptions straight from the press release:

• Quad Rocket Launcher: half shotgun, half rocket launcher, all carnage

• Cluster Bomb Launcher: the natural successor to the grenade launcher

• Air Propulsion Gun: a highly experimental jet-powered blast weapon, powerful enough to send vehicles and soldiers skyward

Now that you’re interested in the pure “carnage” of these weapons you can go buy the pack now on Steam or the Playstation Network for the low price of $1.99 or hop over to the Xbox Live Marketplace and nab it for 160 Microsoft Points.

Cody Mills

Cody currently attends Finlandia University striving for an English Literature Bachelor's and plans to move on to get his Master's in Comparative Literature and a Ph.D. in Philosophy. What does all of that have to do with gaming? He loves to write. He's been a gamer since he could read, and he's been reading since before he could speak. He's also an avid collector and has just over five hundred games in his collection spanning over ten-plus consoles.

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