God of War III Is Installation-Free

God of War III will not require any hard drive space on the PlayStation 3 for installation. Christopher Ericson, Director of Technology at Sony Santa Monica stated via Twitter that the only hard drive use would be for save games and that each save will require only 5 MB of free space. We’re guessing your PS3 hard drive has at least that much space on it, right?

The news will come as a welcome relief after it was recently unveiled that God of War III’s North American version will consume 35 GB of space on the PlayStation 3’s Blu-ray discs and 40 GB on the European version (the extra usage is due to 9 different language options included on the disc).

God of War III is scheduled for release on March 16 in North America.

Geoff Calver

Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Game lover. XBL Gamertag: GeoffCalver

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