Starhawk Private Beta Taking Off Next Week

The Starhawk Private Beta starts next week. Do you have a chance to get in? Find out after the jump.

Beginning next Tuesday, a select few former Warhawk players will be receiving emails from Sony granting them access to the Starhawk private beta. The selection process hasn’t been revealed, but if you played Warhawk, you might be getting an email.

For those of you that bought Uncharted 3 and have Starhawk beta vouchers, you’ll have to wait until sometime next year

Good luck

For those of you that get Private Beta access very early, you can expect to play Capture the Flag on a couple of maps to your heart’s content.





You’ll be able to find games via our Matchmaker system or choose your own game server via our Game Lists. We’ve kept the initial roll out pretty tight as we exercise the systems, but we’ll open the kimono inch by inch so keep playing to see what we have in store for you.

The Starhawk Private Beta is Live This Tuesday

The Starhawk Private Beta is Live This Tuesday

From Warhawk to Starhawk


General Press

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