Talk about a redesign. As E3 begins, it seems some advertisers just couldn’t wait to begin posting ads for the redesigned Xbox 360 slim. Oft-rumored about in the run-up to E3, it seems the...
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E3 2010: Kinect Is Small
Thanks to Gizmodo, we’re getting a good look at Kinect, and it’s not that big. In fact, early pictures of the motion-control device made it look much larger than it actually is. It seemed,...
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E3 2010: Nyko’s New Accessories Includes Ergonomic PS3 Controller
Nyko's E3 line-up this year is very PlayStation 3 heavy. Including a 360-ish ergonomic PS3 controller, the Raven, Nyko is also announcing a charging station for the PlayStation Move controllers and a fluid button...
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E3 2010: FIFA 11 Developer Diary Reveals Personality+
FIFA 11 is on EA’s list of titles being showcased at E3 this year, but ahead of the show, the team at EA Sports is letting us see just what changes are being brought...
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E3 2010: Kinect For Xbox 360
Microsoft astounded the world with the motion-sensor tech-bit Kinect, formerly known as “Project Natal” a day before E3 through a Cirque du Soleil performance which was “inspired by Kinect's technology.” The Kinect device, which...
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