Extreme Hangman Becomes DSi Ware’s Biggest Seller

Extreme Hangman, the popular mobile phone game developed and produced by Gamelion and Skyzone, has become the biggest seller on the DSiWare’s storefront in just a matter weeks. Gamelion is forbidden from releasing sales numbers so it’s impossible to tell how badly beaten classics such as Dr. Mario have become.

Hangman Extreme is the classic pen and paper guessing game with a twist. Taking place in various settings, the gamer’s mission is to save the Hangman from his enemies by guessing the hidden word correctly. By guessing incorrectly, he is put one step closer to being shot, strangled, erased, or hanged by his enemies. Extreme Hangman features seven different settings with fun animations, over 2000 words in various categories, and three difficulty levels.

Extreme Hangman is on sale now for 200 Nintendo points, or $2.00, so go get yourself a copy.

Eric Surrell

Eric started gaming when he was five. His brother handed him the controller to the Nintendo while playing Legend of Zelda. Since then, he has expanded his library to include almost every console except the Sega Dreamcast, PSP, and PS3. Some his favorite games are: Battletoads and Double Dragon, River City Ransom, Sin and Punishment, Fatal Frame, Persona 3 FES, Army of 2 40th Day, and Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Eric is also an anime reviewer at Animationinsider.net, and will also be working as a game reviewer for Playeraffinity.com once it opens. Xbox 360 Gamertag: Incohierophant

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