Civilization V Coming to PCs This Fall

Fans of global politics and world domination rejoice; today 2K Games announced that this Fall Sid Meier will return to PCs with Civilization V. Developed by Firaxis, the game will feature a brand new engine and introduces hexagon-based maps. Fans of the popular board game (and Xbox Live Arcade and PSN release) Settler’s of Catan will be familiar with the new set up. Other features include:

  • A brand-new battle system
  • Fully animated leaders
  • An online hub for accessing player-created content and launching multiplayer matches
The Civilization franchise began in 1991 and for the past nineteen years has been allowing players to rule various nations through turn-based strategy. The most recent entry in the main series was released in 2007 and a console spin-off, Civilization Revolution was released in 2008. Terminal Gamer will have more details about the latest entry as they are made available.

Alan Urtz

Alan Urtz is a journalism student at Penn State University and will be graduating in the Spring of 2010. Alan's passion for gaming began 18 years ago when his parents bought his family and NES for Christmas. His favorite genres include RPGs, action-adventure and shooters and favorite games include Resident Evil 4, Mass Effect, and Super Mario Bros. 3.

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