Perfect Dark, Scrap Metal and Toy Soldiers will be coming to Xbox Live Arcade next month.
Yesterday, during Microsoft’s X10 announcements, the company revealed that the highly anticipated Xbox Live Arcade port of Perfect Dark would be arriving as part of an XBLA Block Party. On March 3, Toy Soldiers will arrive on the network, followed shortly afterwards by Scrap Metal and Perfect Dark. In addition, Microsoft will launch the Game Room in March.
The Game Room will allow gamers to purchase arcade classics and play them while also interacting throughout a virtual arcade with other Xbox Live players.
Perfect Dark is a classic that originally was released on the Nintendo 64. It was developed by RARE, the same studio that developed Goldeneye 007, possibly one of the greatest first person shooters of all time. In Perfect Dark, which was critically acclaimed, the player assumes the role of Joanna Dark, a special operative for the Carrington Institute. Along the way through the game, Joanna must stop a rival corporation’s dark intentions.
Perfect Dark will be reworked with significantly-improved graphics while still maintaing the original geometry of the game. It will display at 1080p and run at 60 frames per second.
In addition, the Xbox Live Arcade version will feature new multiplayer modes including co-op, counter-op, challenges and the game’s original multiplayer deathmatch mode. In addition, the multiplayer will allow for up to eight players in online matches.
Perfect Dark will cost 800 MS points ($10) and may add DLC that features new maps and weapons in the future. Toy Soldiers and Scrap Metal will cost 1200 MS points each ($15). The Game Room will be available for free and games for the Game Room will cost 240 MS points ($3) each.