Halo 2’s Multiplayer Component Ending on April 15 With Cessation of Xbox Live Service For Original Xbox Titles
February 8, 2010 – Bungie is preparing to say goodbye to Halo 2. With Microsoft’s recent announcement that they will be ending Xbox Live service to original Xbox titles in order to implement improvements to the online gaming and networking system came the realization that one of the most popular online games will soon no longer be playable for multiplayer.
Xbox Live service for original Xbox games will end on April 15, allowing Halo 2 gamers just 10 weeks to finish playing online. In their weekly update, Bungie commented on the announcement and its implications for Halo 2, saying:
“We’re all saddened at the realization that an era is coming to an end, but looking back we’re incredibly fortunate to have had such a great run and such strong support from our fans. Halo 2 has been at the top of the Xbox LIVE charts for original games since it launched over five years ago. We’re extremely thankful to everyone who has played, enjoyed and supported Halo 2 over Xbox LIVE. We’ve had some great fun together, including far too many Humpday losses to even recount.”
Bungie ended the commentary on the situation by saying, “That said, mark your calendars now – on April 14th let’s all rally to go online for one last hoorah. One final farewell and one final opportunity for all of you to kick all of our asses at Halo 2.”