John Carmack’s Annual Keynote, Featured Panels, and Special Guest Speakers Announced

Bethesda Softworks is pleased to announce that QuakeCon 2012, the ultimate video game festival, will kick off on Thursday, August 2nd with an annual keynote address given by John Carmack, co-founder and technical director of id Software.


In addition to John’s keynote, this year’s QuakeCon will host a number of panel discussions featuring prominent members of the interactive entertainment industry. Attendees will be able to check out panels such as The Game of Making Games, Designing Multiplayer Games That Last, GameTrailers ‘Bonus Round’, and Idle Thumbs Podcast Live: Arena. Panelists will include Marty Stratton from id Software, Ted Price, President and CEO of Insomniac Games, Chet Faliszek and Tom Leonard from Valve Software, and Geoff Keighley, host of Spike’s GameTrailers.

The full line-up of panels and guest speakers will be announced in the coming days.

In addition to the lineup of panels, attendees will also have the opportunity to check out various exhibitors and sponsors on the show floor, including:

  • AT&T
  • Intel Americas Inc.
  • DELL/Alienware
  • Ventrilo
  • CSN (Cyber Sports Net)
  • BAWLS Guarana
  • Cooler Master
  • CPU Magazine
  • FSP Group USA Corp
  • IN WIN Development
  • Interceptor Entertainment
  • Modders Inc.
  • Plantronics
  • Symbiote Studios
  • Adata
  • Minecraft PVP
  • Minecraft EDU
  • DeVry
  • Western Digital

During the event, attendees will also have the opportunity to play Dishonored, the supernatural assassin action game under development at Arkane Studios, and DOOM 3 BFG Edition, the full collection of genre-defining games from id Software, in Bethesda’s booth in the Exhibit Hall.

QuakeCon 2012 will take place at the Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas, Texas on Thursday, August 2nd through Sunday, August 5th. The event is free for general admission attendees thanks to the support of id and Bethesda Softworks, as well as the QuakeCon volunteer staff and the 2012 event sponsors and exhibitors.

Doors to the QuakeCon BYOC (Bring-Your-Own-Computer) LAN party and gaming festival will open on Thursday, August 2nd at 9am and will remain open through 12pm on Sunday, August 5th.

QuakeCon Exhibit Hall Hours are:

Thursday, August 2 | 10am – 6pm

Friday, August 3 | 10am – 6pm

Saturday, August 4 | 10am – 6pm

To pre-register for QuakeCon today go to: For more information on QuakeCon 2012 visit

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