Just Cause 2’s ‘Stunt Challenge’ Winner Grabs $10,000

 Back in March of this year, the call was put out for the most daring, courageous and possibly insane Just Cause 2 fans to put their skills to the test. The task was to create the most death-defying, difficult stunts in-game and post their videos for judgment. Many a brave soul stepped up to the challenge, but in the end there can be only one. Today, we unveil the video that topped them all to take the ultimate prize – a check for $10,000 cash. The video; titled Casino Fly-Thru, features Rico handling a subsonic jet while navigating through the Casino walkway, under a bridge and finishes off with a leap of faith, plane crash, rocket bonanza!

The winner, Daniel Steinberg, of Saint Louis Park, MN, was presented his prize on October 6, 2010. Take a look at the link above for some pictures of the check presentation!

After judging the competition the Just Cause 2 team had this to say about the winning video:

An incredible demonstration of precision flying and rock solid nerves, amazing! – Chris Dillon, Producer- Just Cause 2

“We had a lot of really great entries to the competition, but this one really stood out – it surprised us, looked very cool and showed some genuine skill” – Just Cause 2 Team

“I’ve seen some impressive stunts from the JC2 community since release, but never anything like this – flying a plane through a casino? That takes balls” – Mike Oldman, Community Manager – Just Cause 2

The winning video had to compete against a number of talented gamers who pushed the limits of what the game and their skills could handle. Videos had to be captured by entrants, be no more than two minutes long and meet a number of criteria, such as use of the grappling hook, parachute, at least one vehicle and have one explosion – the catch? Rico must survive to the very end of the video. Each clip was judged by three criteria, Difficulty, Originality and Creativity.

To see all the runner-up videos, check out the official Just Cause 2 YouTube page here: www.YouTube.com/user/OfficialJustCause2 under the $10,000 Stunt Challenge playlist.

General Press

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