Deus Ex: Human Revolution Gameplay Trailer

Today Square Enix and Eidos Montreal released a trailer highlighting gameplay from Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and it looks sweet.

The trailer intersperses cut scenes with vicious combat sequences that show the protagonist, Adam Jensen, becoming invisible for a short period of time in order to sneak up on guards, crawling through ducts and spying on conversations, and shooting people up like crazy using automatic weapons and a sniper rifle. Adding to the cool? Assassinating several guards using huge swords that virtually come out of his arms – a la Ezio’s hidden blades from Assassin’s Creed 2 – and breaking through a wall to grab an enemy on the other side.

Frankly, it looks smooth, gorgeous, and action-packed. My hope, though, is that the focus on action is simply for the sake of producing an exciting gameplay trailer. I would love to see whether Human Revolution will enable players to truly play their own way as in Deus Ex. The original game could actually be beat without killing a single person – it took a huge amount of skill, but it was doable, and there were many sections where I was able to find solutions to get around enemies when I didn’t have ammo or simply was outnumbered/outpowered. That’s what made Deus Ex great, and it would be awesome to see those same mechanics in a gameplay trailer, showing several ways that a situation can be managed.

Regardless, while I may want to be able to sneak around if I so choose, there’s no doubt that the gameplay in the video looks highly, highly attuned. The world looks unique, the characters seem interesting, and the action is furious and diverse. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is easily one of my most anticipated games of 2011.

What are your thoughts on it?

Geoff Calver

Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Game lover. XBL Gamertag: GeoffCalver

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