Now I have the best reason yet to buy a PlayStation 3. Call me biased, but the REAL reason I am an Xbox 360 player is because of the controller. It’s just fantastic. It fits perfectly in my hands and feels natural. It’s the best controller around.
The PlayStation 3 controller, on the other hand, is just kind of, tough to use. So Gizmodo has made my day by showing of a wireless Xbox 360 controller for the PlayStation 3.
Power A took the Xbox 360 controller – the most natural “traditional controller – and brought it to the PS3. For $50, gamers can get their hands around an Xbox 360 controller while playing God of War 3 or Uncharted 2 or Heavy Rain. Sick, right?
Yeah, that’s sick.
The controller’s “arms” have a grippy material that’s breathable and meant to reduce slippage after hours of playing. You know you’ve suffered from that before.
The only feature of the Power A 360 controller for the PlayStation 3 that’s missing is that it didn’t migrate over the Xbox 360’s triggers. Instead, it maintains the PlayStation controller’s traditional buttons rather than the awesome 360 triggers.
Regardless, this controller seems to have just about everything, including Sixaxis capabilities. SO there’s no reason not to get it.
Power A reportedly also has a wired controller that doesn’t have Sixaxis included. That costs $20.
Pretty sweet, check them out at Power A’s website.