Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood To Have Multiplayer Beta

So, you’ve probably heard, haven’t you? Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood will have multiplayer. You have heard and you’re excited? Fantastic. You’ll get an opportunity to play the multiplayer aspect of the game before the final release.

Ubisoft officially confirmed today via the company’s fiscal year financial call that a multiplayer beta will be made available to the public ahead of the game’s release this fall.

There were no details released during the investor call regarding what the multiplayer beta will consist of (because investors only really care about the black line), but apparently details will be arriving at E3 next month.

The game was formally announced last week by Ubisoft and details were revealed a week earlier when a GameStop employee leaked an placeholder for pre-orders that confirmed the storyline that had been rumored and featured details regarding bonus characters and multiplayer. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood will, as mentioned above, feature an extensive multiplayer element. It will also continue Ezio’s story from Assassin’s Creed II as he travels to Rome. It looks amazing and will be arriving this fall for the PlayStation, Xbox 360 and PC.

Look forward to more news as E3 approaches and then flies past in a hurry.

Source: VG247

Geoff Calver

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