Modern Warfare 2’s Stimulus Map Pack Doesn’t Work

In addition to its controversial $15 price point, gamers have another reason to be wary of the first map pack for Infinity Ward’s FPS Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It doesn’t work.

The three new and two classic Call of Duty 4 maps went up for sale on Xbox Live this morning as the Stimulus Pack. Gamers who bought the pack are finding that the maps simply won’t load.

According to Microsoft spokesperson Larry ‘Major Nelson’ Hryb’s twitter feed a title update will be needed to fix the issue. This patch is currently being worked on and will be released as soon as possible.

Update: The matchmaking has also failed. The pack finally was working, but matchmaking is now on the fritz.

Update 2: Major Nelson reports that the DLC required a title update, which wasn’t properly uploaded to the servers. As a result, Microsoft’s official support page lists a whole host of things that gamers who downloaded the stimulus package can’t do right now on Xbox LIVE:

  • Creating new Xbox LIVE accounts, managing those accounts, or recovering an account on a different console.
  • Buying downloadable items from the Xbox 360 console,, or Games for Windows – LIVE
  • Paying for downloadable items with a credit card
  • Signing into Games for Windows – LIVE on a PC
  • Redeeming downloadable items with Microsoft Points, buying additional Microsoft points, or viewing your points balance.
  • Using prepaid cards or codes for downloadable items or Xbox LIVE subscriptions
  • Purchase transactions using the Games for Windows LIVE client

Update 3: According to Major Nelson, the matchmaking is now fixed so people should be able to play MW2 and all other titles. However, he says that other features (such as those listed above this update) may still not be available. We’ll update when we know that everything is working correctly.

Yikes. The real question is, whose fault is this? Does Infinity Ward not care anymore because their morale is absurdly low following the firing of their two studio heads and the subsequent rumors that Activision is withholding their royalty payments, which makes this Activision’s fault? Or is this simply a matter of Microsoft not coordinating with Infinity Ward on the release?

Sound off below. We know you want to.


Alan Urtz

Alan Urtz is a journalism student at Penn State University and will be graduating in the Spring of 2010. Alan's passion for gaming began 18 years ago when his parents bought his family and NES for Christmas. His favorite genres include RPGs, action-adventure and shooters and favorite games include Resident Evil 4, Mass Effect, and Super Mario Bros. 3.

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