Modern Warfare 2’s “Mapathy” Cure Runs Into Bad Company 2’s Alternative Solution

Coming hot on the heels of Modern Warfare 2‘s cheeky little website,, which advertised an upcoming DLC package for the Xbox 360, EA and DICE have dropped their own “Mapathy” cure. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 players who have VIP codes (see: Project Ten Dollar) will be rewarded with a free DLC map package on March 30th.

Entitled, “VIP Map Pack 2,” the package will contain Arica Harbor Conquest mode and Laguna Presa Rush mode.

Arica Harbor Conquest mode will task players with capturing and securing tactical positions across the Arica Harbor map while Laguna Presa Rush mode will see players attempt to defend a dam surrounded by high mountain and valleys. The DICE team touts that the map will feature huge numbers of light armor vehicles, for support, of course.

In addition, they make a direct jab at Modern Warfare 2 in their blog post announcing the DLC package. Beyond titling their announcement, “How to avoid ‘mapathy’ without paying!” the blog post claims that delivering free DLC “plays a vital part in making sure you, the players get proper value for the money you’ve invested in Battlefield: Bad Company 2.” The post goes on to say, “This is why these map packs are available at no extra cost, contradicting the industry standard and what our direct competitors are doing. Of course, it also helps avoid segmenting the community, making sure everyone can play together having the same maps available.”

Bold? Yes. Awesome? Indeed.

Look for Bad Company 2’s VIP Map Pack 2 to arrive on March 30 for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

If you haven’t picked up a copy yet, you should read our review and seriously consider doing so.

Geoff Calver

Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Game lover. XBL Gamertag: GeoffCalver

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