Squishy Tanks Goes Gold

Natsume, the world-known developer and publisher of family oriented games like Harvest Moon, puzzle/ adventure game Squishy Tanks went gold today. Natsume also released a trailer and announced Squishy Tank’s retail price of $19.99.

“Squishy Tank is the perfect pick-up-and play puzzle adventure for players on the go,” said Hiro Maekawa, President and CEO of Natsume in a press release.

“It’s a fast-paced puzzler packed with powerups, modes, and challenges!”

Check out the trailer below.

The game definitely looks like it will be fun for all ages and pack a serious challenge for the more time-worn puzzle solvers. Pick up your copy on March 23rd, 2010.

Writer’s Note: In case some readers are confused about how an unreleased game can “go gold,” the video game and music industries have very different meanings for that status.

In the music industry, a “Gold” status means that a particular record, CD, or song has been purchased so many times. The number of sales is determined by area’s population.

In the video game industry, being “Gold” simply means that the game is finished and the publisher is manufacturing it for release.

Eric Surrell

Eric started gaming when he was five. His brother handed him the controller to the Nintendo while playing Legend of Zelda. Since then, he has expanded his library to include almost every console except the Sega Dreamcast, PSP, and PS3. Some his favorite games are: Battletoads and Double Dragon, River City Ransom, Sin and Punishment, Fatal Frame, Persona 3 FES, Army of 2 40th Day, and Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Eric is also an anime reviewer at Animationinsider.net, and will also be working as a game reviewer for Playeraffinity.com once it opens. Xbox 360 Gamertag: Incohierophant

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