Perfect Dark XBLA To Include GoldenEye Weapons and Multiplayer Levels

Remember your disappointment last year when you learned that an Xbox LIVE Arcade port of the Nintendo 64 classic, GoldenEye 007 was canned because of a dispute between Nintendo and Microsoft over profit sharing? Well, lucky for you, Perfect Dark, which is getting ported next month to XBLA will also include Goldeneye’s weapons and multiplayer levels.

Microsoft Game Studios’ Ken Lobb told Kotaku that players will be able to unlock weapons from Goldeneye 007 and that the Felicity, Temple and Complex GoldenEye levels will be included with Perfect Dark. The three multiplayer levels were included in the original version of Perfect Dark, the spiritual successor to GoldenEye.

So, you may not be able to enjoy the single player campaign from GoldenEye yet, but at least you can enjoy several multiplayer levels and relive all of that late 90s ass-whooping you delivered on your 64.

Source: Kotaku

Geoff Calver

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