Modern Warfare 2 Care Package Fix Arrives in Microsoft’s Hands, Should Be On Xbox 360 Shortly
February 8, 2010 – While PC and PlayStation 3 owners have already received a patch to the infamous “care package” exploit in Modern Warfare 2‘s multiplayer modes, an Xbox 360 patch is due to arrive shortly.
Infinity Ward’s Community Manager Robert Bowling announced via Twitter that the care package fix was submitted on Friday to Microsoft in order to go through certification for the Xbox 360. While he announced no time-frame, it should be a quick turn-around and a welcome relief to Modern Warfare 2 fans who have had to play through numerous exploits allowing cheaters to tarnish multiplayer games.
The patch will fix and update:
– Care Package, Emergency Airdrop, and Sentry Gun marker grenades sprint speed normalized.
– Fix for “infinite care package” exploit
– Sentry Guns: Improved placement detection, preventing cases of Sentry Guns inside geometry.
– Model 1887: Bling using Akimbo and FMJ combination now has same range and damage as non-Bling 1887s.
– Fixes to prevent various XP hacks.
Source: Kotaku