EA Reveals Medal of Honor Release Date

EA Also Unveils “Shooter from Epic” and Dead Space 2 Release Timeframe

February 8, 2010 – EA today unveiled its Q3 2010 results and also released hordes of information about upcoming titles. They revealed that Medal of Honor, the modern reboot of the classic shooter series will be coming in September and that early 2011 will see a new shooter from Epic, a new Dragon Age game and the release of Dead Space 2.

The news is encouraging for EA investors and for gamers. Medal of Honor is hotly anticipated and hopefully will mark a return to glory for a treasured franchise that first made us feel the visceral reality of storming the Norman beaches on D-Day. A new Dragon Age game is highly anticipated as well though we can’t help but wish that Mass Effect 3 was also mentioned somewhere in the press release. Dead Space 2 is also slated for an early 2011 release, promising strong post-holiday returns for EA.

Most intriguing of all, however, is the “Shooter from Epic” that’s mentioned for early 2011. Could this be the concluding game in the Gears of War story? Or could it be the oft-hinted at, but not yet-revealed, “New IP” that Epic has been hiring for on its job boards? Perhaps the inclusion of an Epic shooter is just a prelude to an X10 announcement later this week? We can all hope as Marcus, Dom and company have been MIA for over a year (which is far too long for us to stand!)

Anyone interested in listening to the conference call discussing EA’s fiscal quarter results and their calendar release dates can dial 877-857-6176, access code 220497 at 5 PM ET (2 PT).

Geoff Calver

Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Game lover. XBL Gamertag: GeoffCalver

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