Red Dead Referendum

GameStop and Rockstar Offering Gamers Chance To Choose Pre-Order DLC For Red Dead Redemption

February 3, 2010 – Rockstar Games, in collaboration with GameStop, will be offering gamers the opportunity to choose what pre-order exclusive outfit they would like to receive. The promotion, which will take place from now until February 17, allows gamers to vote each day on which outfit they would like to have offered. The outfit with the most votes will be available as a DLC package for gamers who pre-order through GameStop.

Each outfit will have in-game advantages. The Savvy Merchant outfit will give the player better deals at stores, the Skilled Hunter outfit will provide players with better prices for each pelt they bring to sell and the Deadly Assassin outfit will help players hone their shooting skills.

Only one of the outfits will be available as a pre-order DLC incentive, so check out the gameplay video below that highlights each of the outfits and don’t forget to vote often at GameStop.

Red Dead Redemption is being developed by Rockstar San Diego and will be published by Rockstar. It will be available on April 27 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Geoff Calver

Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Game lover. XBL Gamertag: GeoffCalver

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