Extreme Hangman Coming to the States on February 8
February 1, 2010 – In a press release today, Gamelion and SkyZone Entertainment announced that their joint creation, Extreme Hangman, will be in the American DSiware Store on the 8th of this month for 200 points.
In the release, they state:
There’s never been a Hangman game like this before! The world’s favorite time-killer game takes an absurdist twist of comical proportions. Taking place in various settings, the gamer’s mission is to save the Hangman from his enemies by guessing the hidden word correctly. By guessing incorrectly, he is put one step closer to being shot, strangled, erased, or hanged by his enemies. Extreme Hangman features seven different settings with fun animations, over 2000 words in various categories, and three difficulty levels.
They even released a trailer for the upcoming game for your entertainment. Check it out below!