Duke Nukem Forever Gameplay Video Surfaces

Aliens, Guns, Knuckle Cracking and More; Sure Sounds Like The Duke We Know

February 1, 2010 – Sure, it’s most likely never going to get into our hands, but that can’t keep Duke Nukem Forever from surfacing. The legendary lost game of Duke Nukem Forever continues to show up with screens and videos on the web and this newly released gameplay video is particularly painful to watch if you are wishing for the Duke to appear.

The footage, lasting about a minute and a half and paired with the most inappropriate music ever heard, shows Duke blasting alien heads in a warehouse and in a wild west ghost town. The footage is a bit blurry and often blood soaked, but the action does look pretty furious and generally appears to be what we’ve come to expect from the Duke. Lots and lots of shooting and grenade throwing and missile hurling ensues.

Check out the gameplay footage below and let us know your thoughts, or, you know, if you’re that guy who’s been waiting for nine years to pick up your Duke Nukem Forever “pre-order” from GameStop, you can just cry.

Source: Kotaku

Geoff Calver

Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Game lover. XBL Gamertag: GeoffCalver

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