Kratos Invades Homes Nationwide on March 16
January 28, 2010 – Sony has answered the pained, mortal cries of gamers everywhere by announcing the US release date of God of War III. PlayStation 3 owners will be hacking, maiming and generally bloodying everything in sight on March 16th.
No doubt 4A Games, developer of Metro 2033, will now be rather pleased with its decision to go PC and Xbox-only with its game due for release the same day.
The PlayStation blog post also includes a box shot of the Ultimate Edition of the game, which includes a replica of Pandora’s Box and looks (with no reference for scale) to rival Rock / Hero games for ‘pointlessly large video game boxes’.
God of War III looks set to include some seriously epic battles including whole levels set atop giant lumbering Titans – Shadow of the Colossus eat your heart out (though we can’t help but feel Kratos’ adventure might be a little less poignant).