EA Announces FIFA World Cup Game

EA Canada Developing 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa

January 27, 2010 FIFA 10 was one of the best sports games of 2009. It was a highly realistic simulation of soccer (or football if you live on any other continent) due to innovations such as the 360-degree control scheme which allowed players to move the soccer ball realistically across the pitch. A huge seller in Europe and in North America, FIFA 10 has inspired EA to craft EA Sports 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa.

The game, which will be available in April, 2010 on the PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PSP and on mobile platforms, will feature all 199 national teams that attempted to qualify for the cup. It will also include the stadiums that will be used in the World Cup and will also include stadiums from each qualifying region.

EA Sports’ press release about 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa indicates that there will be a fully featured online tournament mode, altitude affects, increased level of play from home teams and the spectacular presentation that was present in FIFA 10.

The game will be developed by EA Canada, the team behind FIFA 10 and NHL 10, our “Sports Game of the Year” award winner.

Source: EA

Geoff Calver

Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Game lover. XBL Gamertag: GeoffCalver

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