Official God of War 3 US Box Art

God of War 3 Buyers Will Get An Eyeful of Kratos

January 22, 2010 – The official US box art for God of War 3 has surfaced. Last week, rumors (and photos) surfaced on the net claiming to be the US box art. The image showed Kratos standing tall, chest out, holding onto two huge, flaming swords. It appears, though, that the box art that surfaced last week will not be gracing store shelves and Amazon’s supply warehouses. God of War 3’s official box art will feature Kratos’ large, angry eye looking at the player.

The box art, which can be seen below, features a ‘Mature’ ESRB rating, which is no surprise given God of War 3‘s very violent content. It has been given a ‘Mature’ rating for “Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language and Strong Sexual Content.” That’s the whole bag of tricks that Sony’s bringing out!

The sounding boards at N4G and other sites are abuzz with the news as any God of War 3 news these days is big news. Check out last week’s rumored box art and the official box art that has just been revealed. The box art is now visible at Amazon’s web site as well as at Gamestop.

Geoff Calver

Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Game lover. XBL Gamertag: GeoffCalver

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