More Dead Space 2 Screens Emerge

Dead Space 2 Screens Show Cityscapes, Diverse Necromorph Enemies

January 4, 2010 – More screens of Dead Space 2 have emerged. The screens, scanned from an upcoming issue of Play3, were revealed on German website

They show numerous scenes. Many feature the adolescent creatures from the earlier screens released several weeks ago. They also feature huge Necromorphs, zero gravity environments, stunning cityscapes and the protagonist, Isaac Clarke, decked out in a slim new suit.

Dead Space 2 is the sequel to Dead Space, which found engineer Isaac Clarke fighting a vicious enemy on the USG Ishimura, a planet cracker mining ship. Developed by Visceral Games and published by Electronic Arts, Dead Space was applauded for its atmosphere and a unique gameplay strategy that required gamers to target specific body parts to kill the Necromorphs crawling throughout the ship. No release date has been announced for Dead Space 2.

The pictures can be seen below.

Source: PS3-Talk

Geoff Calver

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