Medal of Honor Debuted at the VGA’s
Medal of Honor, EA’s newest game in the long-running war shooter series, is taking the fight to the Taliban. Based in Afghanistan, the new Medal of Honor game is set to be a reboot of the series, featuring pulse-pounding firefights and action based upon the real world experiences of Tier 1 Operator. Tier 1 Operator is an American entity working under the National Command Authority. Taking on the most dangerous missions against Al Qaeda and the Taliban, these soldiers go far behind enemy lines.
The trailer, which debuted at the VGA’s on Saturday, December 12, shows in-game scenes full of action and violence, including a scene in which a man strapped to a chair with a bomb is kicked out of the window immediately before it explodes. The graphics looked excellent and the game is setting up to try to tackle Modern Warfare, the massively popular counter-terrorism and modern war shooter.
Little is know about the actual plot of Medal of Honor, but the unique setting in a place of real-world, current conflict is intriguing. The grandfather of the Call of Duty series and other World War II series from the past decade, Medal of Honor has fallen behind its competitors recently. More details will be revaled on EA’s attempt to revive the series as it approaches its release date.
Medal of Honor is due to be released in 2010 for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC platforms.