Today is the last day to register for Terminal Gamer’s Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Beta Key Giveaway for the PS3. Winners will be chosen at 9 PM tonight, so get in your e-mails today!
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is coming out in March, and the online beta is now live for PC and PS3 owners. Here at Terminal Gamer, we have managed to wrangle up six PS3 Beta Codes to give to you, thanks to our friends at EA and DICE studios.
All you have to do to enter the contest is send an e-mail to us at:[email protected] with the subject line: I Want a Battlefield 2 Beta.
The competition will run until 9 PM on November 24th, when we will hold a random drawing and e-mail the six lucky e-mailers their beta codes. Please add us on Twitter and Facebook to support our site and keep on top of all our updates and reviews, and good luck to all our entrants!
Again, a big thank you to EA and DICE for providing us with codes to give to you guys!