Celebrate the Diablo Anniversary with March of the Goblins

Come celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Diablo IV and the 2-year anniversary of Diablo Immortal! There are heaps of rewards to mark these celebrations with a bounty of devilish goods across both games.



  • Celebrations will kick off with a free gift from the Shop from June 6 – June 12. You will have until June 20 to claim all gifts.
  • March of the Goblins will bring increased Treasure Goblin activity from June 6 – June 13. Greed shrines will also appear with increased frequency while in Dungeons Goblins may appear in pairs.
  • Mother’s Blessing will return with a 25% increased rate to Experience and 50% (multiplicative) increased rate to Gold. This edition of Mother’s Blessing will last 10 days in total.



  • March of the Goblins comes to Diablo Immortal too. From June 6 – June 20, 3 a.m. local server time, you can participate in tasks across the anniversary celebration and earn rewards such as crafting materials, gold, Legendary Items, and more.
  • Avarice the Gold Cursed has arrived and threatens to destroy anyone foolish enough to try to steal his riches. Defeating Avarice on the first time that day will grant 1 Legendary item and has a chance to drop normal Gems.
  • Trials of Plunder is an augmented version of Trial of the Hordes but now with Treasure Goblins that will randomly appear throughout the match.
  • From June 6 – June 13, 3 a.m. local server time, for 36 hours you will get double the rewards from gameplay like the Horadric Bestiary, Helliquary Raids, Challenge Rifts, and more in Goblin’s Plunder.

For more details on everything coming to the anniversary celebrations, check out: https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24096024/celebrate-the-diablo-anniversary-with-march-of-the-goblins

For everything Diablo IV, you can check out our official website

For everything Diablo Immortal, you can check out our official website

Louis Edwards

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