We have a new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Intel Drop today – Aftermarket Parts.
This new innovation will give players an entirely new way to interact with weapons within Gunsmith, improving weapon functionality and transforming them into completely new experiences.
Fans can check out this feature during the upcoming beta, set to begin this weekend for PlayStation and all platforms the following weekend, and of course when the game launches on November 10.
If you’re wanting to perfect your favorite weapon in Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® III’s Gunsmith, there’s a new and innovative way to dramatically alter the function of your weapon, thanks to Conversion Kits, part of the Aftermarket Parts system coming to Gunsmith in the Modern Warfare III Beta in October and at release on November 10.
In the following Intel Drop, Sledgehammer Games’ systems designer Nick Carraro and design director Zach Hodson reveal the purpose of Aftermarket Parts and how they transform the weapons you’ve mastered into completely new experiences.
“Think of them as remixes for the guns,” Nick says. “It’s a way for players to come back to a weapon that they may have already mastered or played out and it’s going to give them an entirely new dimension to interact with the gun in a way that regular attachments can’t.”
You can choose a Conversion Kit that’s going to absolutely turn that gun’s identity on its head and give you an entirely new way to play with the weapon.”
Zach adds, “They’re nearly a new gun. [Aftermarket Parts] are powerful, meaningful changes to these weapons.”