PS4 System Update v1.71 Live Now – Download Links Here


The previously announced  PS4 System Update v 1.71 is live now.

Download links available after the jump.



The PS4 can be updated via USB.



Download for your region and please note that these files are hosted by PlayStation and are not hosted by

Perform a new installation of the system software

This procedure is for initializing your PS4™ system and performing a new installation of the system software, such as for when you replace the hard disk drive.

  • Be careful when using an update file for reinstallation. All users and all data will be deleted.

The following things are needed to perform the update:

  • PlayStation®4 system
  • Computer connected to the Internet
  • USB storage device, such as a USB flash drive
    * There must be 400 MB of free space.
  • On the USB storage device, create folders for saving the update file.
    Using a computer, create a folder named “PS4”. Inside that folder, create another folder named “UPDATE”.
    PC Update
  • Download the update file, and save it in the “UPDATE” folder you created in step 1.
    Save the file with the file name “PS4UPDATE.PUP”.
  • Turn off the power of your PS4™ system completely.
    Check that the power indicator is not lit. If the power indicator is lit up in orange, touch the power button on the PS4™ system for at least 7 seconds (until the system beeps a second time).
  • Connect the USB storage device that the update file is saved on to your PS4™ system, and then touch the power button for at least 7 seconds.
    The PS4™ system starts in safe mode
  • Select [Update System Software].
    Follow the screens to complete the update.
  • If your PS4™ system does not recognize the update file, check that the folder names and file name are correct. Enter the folder names and file name in single-byte characters using uppercase letters.

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