It’s the Yankees vs the Royals in MLB 13: The Show’s Challenge of the Week


Step up to the plate as a hot hitting Yankee and face off against one the top KC Royals pitchers in MLB 13: The Show’s Challenge of the Week.


This Week’s Challenge

Robinson Cano faces James Shields in this week’s Challenge of the Week. Get as many hits and points as possible. The Prize this week is a full suite of limited edition MLB 13 Game Covers.


Bleacher Creatures!

Throughout the session, hit 8 home runs.
Bonus: 1000 points | X 2 multiplier
Bonus Details: Valid for one Session
Hits Required: Home Run (8)

Big Apples!

In an out, collect 3 deep fly balls.
Bonus: 333 points | X 3 multiplier
Bonus Details: Valid for one Out
Hits Required: Deep Fly (3)

Spread the News!

Receive a bonus for every 12 hits in play.
Bonus: 1212 points | X 3 multiplier
Bonus Details: Valid for one Session
Hits Required: Put In Play (12)

Walk on the Wild Side!

In an out, collect 4 balls.
Bonus: 1234 points | X 2 multiplier
Bonus Details: Valid for one Out
Hits Required: Ball (4)

Good luck to all of you sluggers out there.

Louis Edwards

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