Deep Silver Reveals DLC Plans and Confirms Season Pass for Metro: Last Light



Deep Silver today announced that 4A Games will support the critically acclaimed Metro: Last Light with a series of original single player content packs throughout the summer.


• The ‘Faction Pack’ and the ‘Chronicles Pack’ will include new, original single player gameplay that expands on the Metro: Last Light universe and story

• The ‘Tower Pack’ will present a unique solo challenge to Metro veterans

• Meanwhile, the ‘Developer Pack’ will give creative players some interesting tools with which to explore the world of Metro…

“Artyom’s story may have been concluded in Metro: Last Light, but there are other characters with stories to tell, some familiar locations that fans of the Metro series wanted to revisit, and some new challenges that 4A wanted to explore,” said Andrew Prokhorov, Creative Director at 4A Games. “Since completing the game we have been working on these new stories and hope to release them throughout the summer.”

The Metro: Last Light Season pass is available to download now from Xbox Live, PlayStation®Network and Steam for $14.99 / £11.99 / €14.99 or 1200 MSP now.

The first chapter will be the ‘Faction Pack’, set for release in June 2013.

Metro fans can pre-purchase all future DLC at a discount with the Season Pass, now available on Steam, Xbox LIVE® Marketplace for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system and the PlayStation®Network. The Season Pass also grants an additional weapon, the deadly Abzats, a semi-automatic shotgun rifle with a devastating secondary fire mode that unleashes six shells in one blast.

PlayStation Plus subscribers are entitled to an additional 25% discount on the Season Pass through June 4th in the US and through June 5th In Europe and the rest of the world.

Metro: Last Light is available now for PlayStation®3, the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, and Windows PC and has been critically acclaimed by the gaming media.

For more information about Metro: Last Light, visit, like us at or follow us on Twitter @MetroVideoGame.

About Deep Silver
Deep Silver develops and publishes interactive games for all platforms, seeking to deliver top-quality products that provide immersive game experiences driven by the desires of the gaming community.  The company has published more than 200 games worldwide since 2003, including the critically-acclaimed, best-selling zombie action game, Dead Island™.  Upcoming titles include the side-scrolling arcade brawler, Sacred™ Citadel, the isometric action RPG, Sacred 3, the next game in the Dead Island franchise, Dead Island Riptide, Metro™: Last Light and Saints Row IV™. Deep Silver is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Koch Media, GmbH, and includes the renowned development studio Deep Silver Volition, based in Champaign, IL. For more information, please visit or follow us on twitter at @deepsilver.

About 4A Games
4A Games is a computer game development studio based in Kiev, Ukraine. The studio was established in December 2005 by the veterans of Ukrainian game industry, with the aim of developing premium quality computer games for high-end PCs and next generation consoles supported by the in-house developed “4A Engine”.

At the heart of the company are around 80 talented designers, programmers, artists, sound specialists and writers, with years of experience in software development and computer games in particular.

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