Go behind the scenes at Crystal Dynamics to discover the story of the Final Hours of Tomb Raider
Crystal Dynamics®, a Square Enix® studio, today announced the launch of the Final Hours of Tomb Raider™ app for iOS, Kindle Fire and Steam. The app is the culmination of a long collaboration between the studio and Geoff Keighley, which started with a documentary web series hosted by actor and gamer Zachary Levi, the first episode of five was launched in back in July 2012.
Penned over several months, the app, The Final Hours of Tomb Raider, goes even further behind the scenes at Crystal during the final year of development giving fans unprecedented perspective on development and highlighting the key creative forces responsible for reimagining the iconic video game franchise Tomb Raider.
“The Final Hours of Tomb Raider is a story about the reinvention of both a brand and a studio,” said Geoff Keighley. “This franchise reboot was itself rebooted multiple times, and now, for the first time, the team at Crystal Dynamics shares with fans the early prototypes and concepts that didn’t make it into the finished game.”
“Geoff has managed to capture the essence of a story that no one outside of the studio has ever been exposed to,” said Karl Stewart, Global Brand Director of Crystal Dynamics. “In a very immersive and informative way, he has managed to bring to life the personal side of game development, something which is usually lost in the noise when bringing a game to fruition.”
Viewers can see how Crystal Dynamics managed the highs and lows of developing Tomb Raider, The Final Hours of Tomb Raider, priced $2.99 is now available for iPad, PC, and, for the first time via a partnership with Amazon.com, for Kindle Fire.
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-final-hours-of-tomb-raider/id607740958?mt=8
Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/233410/
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/The-Final-Hours-Tomb-Raider/dp/B00BK8AOI4/ref=sr_1_2?s=mobile-apps&ie=UTF8&qid=1362669073&sr=1-2&keywords=tomb+raider+the+final+hours
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