Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue Arrives at the Front

Take command on the Eastern Front!


Matrix Games ( and Slitherine (, along with VR Designs ( are excited to announce the release of the turn-based operational strategy game Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue, the next installment in the critically-acclaimed Decisive Campaigns series.  Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue is available in the Matrix Games and Slitherine online stores.

In Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue players take command of the German Wehrmacht or the Soviet Army on the Eastern Front in World War II in the summer of 1942. Assume control of the Wehrmacht’s drive towards Stalingrad and the Caucasus in the 2nd Kharkov Offensive and in Operation Trappenjagd. Fight for the Motherland as the general of the Red Army during Soviet counter-offensive in Operation Uranus that encircled the German 6th Army at Stalingrad and change the course of the war.

Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue comes loaded with four campaign scenarios, a linked scenario campaign of the 1st Panzer Army, and two smaller scenarios. For the more creative wargamers: a full scenario editor is included! Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue also brings with it a well-researched historical simulation to satisfy any grognard and history strategy game buff. New to the Decisive Campaign series are the brand-new High Command rules: follow your orders and be rewarded with prestige points to spend on reinforcements and influence future orders; fail at these and face dismissal, or worse!

Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue has been positively looked at by the press, with Sugar Free Gamer calling that it is “positively oozing history,” and saying that Case Blue “makes a great impression”. Be sure to check out the interview given by the Wargamer community and interview video by VR Design’s Victor Reijkersz for more encouragement! Get a taste of the battles you’ll experience by reading preview AAR’s from Armchair General and Wargamer!

With endless “what if” scenarios, historical and dynamic Order of Battles, a newly re-written and improved AI, players will find their challenge, or be bested by it! And if players hunger for a more human opponent, Decisive Campaign: Case Blue comes equipped with Slitherine’s award-winning PBEM++ to make such an endeavor an easy one!

To celebrate the release of Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue, we are also announcing a sale that knocks $10 off the price of Decisive Campaigns: From Warsaw to Paris until the end of July!

Be sure to check for updates and download the at-release v1.00b update here after installing Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue as it contains an important replacement fix which will make sure this incredible title runs flawlessly!


About Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue

The development team behind the award-winning game Decisive Campaigns: From Warsaw to Paris is back with a new and improved game engine that focuses on the decisive year and theater of World War II! Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue simulates the German drive to Stalingrad and into the Caucasus of the summer of 1942, as well as its May preludes (2nd Kharkov offensive, Operation Trappenjagd) and also the Soviet winter counter-offensive (Operation Uranus) that ended with the encirclement of 6th Army in Stalingrad and the destruction of the axis minor armies.

Well researched and packed with depth, including detailed unit data down to vehicle level and historically realistic combined arms gameplay, Case Blue also features an easy-to-learn interface and a good AI. In the campaign scenarios, next to the victory conditions, you will have to deal with high command orders that can instruct you to hold or take specific cities. Do well and earn prestige that enables you to request reinforcements and influence high command decisions, do bad and you’ll have to be careful not to get sacked.

For more information and the full new feature list, visit the official product page for Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue on the Matrix Games or Slitherine site.



Slitherine Ltd. and Matrix Games Ltd. are the world’s leading video games producers and publishers of historical and strategy titles. Since 2000, both brands have published literally hundreds of games with many award-winning titles in their portfolio spanning all digital and console platforms. Slitherine is also involved with book publishing, and board gaming and work with a wide array of key licensing partners such as HISTORY™, MILITARY HISTORY™, Horrible Histories™, Showtime, BBC, Osprey, Scholastic, Casemate Publishing and many others to deliver the best blend of historical accuracy in an exciting and entertaining way. The two companies merged in May 2010 and formed the world’s largest organization specializing in this niche but important market sector. Slitherine’s mission over the coming years is to lead the way in innovation and growth in this expanding industry sector.

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