40 hour, old school, western style, RPG from Spiderweb Software now available for download.
Details, plus some screenshots, after the jump.
Spiderweb Software (http://www.spiderwebsoftware.com) is pleased to announce Avernum: Escape from the Pit is now available on Steam and directly from their website. This is their third RPG series to launch on Steam and other digital download locations, following the success of Avadon and The Geneforge Saga. “Our games may not be the prettiest on Steam,” says founder Jeff Vogel, “but their audience really gets that the depth of the story-telling and quality of gameplay outweighs that minor shortcoming. We are hugely grateful for all the support they have shown for indie games like mine!”
You have been banished to this underworld, never to see the light of day. While the surface continues to suffer under the iron fist of Emperor Hawthorne, you will enter into a battle for survival in Avernum, a hungry and fragile nation deep in the underworld. The people of this world have not given up, however, and they are forging a new nation of their own with steel, magic, and dreams of returning to the sun. Join them, explore a huge game world, hunt for hundreds of magical artifacts, choose from hundreds of quests, and become the hero of the underworld!
Originally known as Exile: Escape From the Pit and released in 1995, this remastered version of Avernum: Escape from the Pit will contain immense overhauls to the system, graphics, compatibility, and interface of the indie classic. The entire award winning series will be redone from the ground up and will be available on iOS, Mac, and PC. More information is available at http://www.avernum.com/avernum/index.html or http://store.steampowered.com/app/208400/
Spiderweb Software, Inc., an independent game-design company based in Seattle, WA, is fanatically dedicated to creating fun, exciting fantasy role-playing games for Windows, Macintosh, and the iPad. Past titles include the award-winning Exile, Geneforge, Avernum and Avadon series. More information on the company is available at www.spiderwebsoftware.com.