Twisted Metal Community Tournament Next Week Starring David Jaffe

The launch date for Twisted Metal is rapidly approaching, and David Jaffe wants you to come to San Francisco and play the game to win sweet prizes.

Full details after the jump.


Twisted Metal is set to release the 14th of next month and the folks at Sony want you to play it two weeks early. They have set up a great multiplayer tournament and meetup.

  • Who: This event is open to the PlayStation community, but you must be 21+ to attend. Bring ID!
  • What: Twisted Metal Multiplayer Tournament and Community Meetup
  • When: Thursday, February 2nd from 6:00pm to 9:00pm
  • Where: Mezzanine, located at 444 Jessie St. in San Francisco)
  • Why: Multiplayer competition and gameplay, plus sweet rare prizes
  • How: Participants can RSVP here or sign-up at on-site check-in.

The tournament winner will be awarded with a custom laser etched Twisted Metal PS3


Game director David Jaffe will also be on hand to sign autographs and chat with his loyal fans.

Be sure to get there early, and by all means, make sure they know you are coming via RSVP.


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