Thanks to’s site owner Jeremy Koch, TerminalGamer now uses Game Krib Discussion forums for open discussion about our Game Reviews, Updates, Accessories and more. Check out GamKrib’s info and links to the site after the jump. is a Social networking website where you can meet all kinds of gamers, talk about the up coming games in the forums, or just chat with your friends.
Live Chat: Live Chat with your friends or get to know other GK members by opening up the chat window.
Network ID’s: Post your PSN ID’s, Xbox Live Gamertags, Wii ID’s etc.. So it makes it easier for you and your new friends to add each other on your systems.
Forums: Jump into the forums to see whats going on with the site, new games, systems and much more. Don’t see something you like? Make your own topic and discuss it with your friends or fellow GK Members.
Videos: Upload Game Videos, News etc.. To share with GK Members, or just view the latest videos and comments From the Gamekrib Videos page.
Photos:Check out Gamkrib’s photo page where you can upload all kinds of pictures, everything from Screenshots too your own personal art and pictures. But Gamekrib sure likes people to post some art with the GK name and logo on it so be sure to do that to show some love for site and make some GK art or pictures to post.
Groups: From the Groups page, you can join all different types of groups from the BritNerds group to the Pixelated group. Don’t see a group you like? create and manage your own. Make it and open group so anyone can join, or a closed group so only people you select can be in, or just set it so you have to approve the people that request to join.