Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II – Retribution Beta Open to All Dawn of War Owners

Real Time Strategy Community Invited to Help Balance Multiplayer Modes Prior to Launch. More details after the jump.

THQ Inc. (NASDAQ: THQI) today announced that it was opening up the Warhammer®40,000®: Dawn of War®II – Retribution™ BETA to anyone who has bought a Dawn of War game through STEAM or has registered a Dawn of War II product on their STEAM account.
In addition, gamers can get access to the beta by registering on the Dawn of War Community site and following the instructions under the Beta Key giveaway tab (http://community.dawnofwar2.com/beta).

Featuring all six multiplayer races including the new Imperial Guard faction, the beta will run through the end of February to test the new Steamworks network and matchmaking features and help balance the multiplayer mode.  All new units for each race will be available in the beta along with the new multiplayer maps that will ship with Retribution.

The Dawn of War II – Retribution multiplayer beta is currently planned to run until midnight on February 24th, at which point the developers will take all feedback into account to create a day-zero balancing patch.

About Retribution

It is ten years since the events of Chaos Rising and Sub-Sector Aurelia has been in a constant state of warfare with the Imperium struggling to retain control. The apparent betrayal of the chapter by Gabriel Angelos and his Space Marines has shaken the Blood Ravens and now the Imperial forces are beset on all sides by hostile aliens. Retribution allows the player to select the race of their choosing in a battle to determine the very survival or destruction of the entire sector. In addition to the multi race single player campaign, Dawn of War II – Retribution will also feature new multiplayer units, maps and the new playable Imperial Guard faction when it ships.

General Press

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