Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Pack Breaks PSN Record

Robert Bowling announced today via Twitter that Modern Warfare 2’s Stimulus Pack was so popular on the PlayStation 3 that it set a new PSN record.

“Thanks to the 1 Million+ @playstation users who helped the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package break day 1 & week 1 download records on PSN!”

The pack was released on May 4 for the PlayStation 3 as well as the PC. It was released earlier in the spring for the Xbox 360 and sold over 2.5 million downloads in its first week on the Microsoft platform.

So, congratulations are in order. Modern Warfare 2 continues to rake in cash for Activision and hopefully, someday, for Infinity Ward employees as well. Modern Warfare 2 players, we salute you!

Geoff Calver

Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Game lover. XBL Gamertag: GeoffCalver

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