Next Call of Duty Game Previewed This Friday

Treyarch’s latest Call of Duty title, following up the incredibly successful Call of Duty: World At War, will be revealed this friday on GameTrailers TV.

Rumors have floated around regarding the content of the game, which many believe takes place in the Vietnam era. In addition, rumors say that the game will focus on special ops teams tasked with infiltrating enemy strongholds. The game will obviously bring a multitude of multiplayer modes and should be arriving before the Holiday season this year.

The trailer will be revealed at 12:40 AM on Spike TV. The release of a new Call of Duty game comes amidst a huge amount of turmoil surrounding Infinity Ward, the original developer of the Call of Duty series and the sole developer of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series. In March the founders of Infinity Ward were fired by Activision for insubordination, and since then, the co-founders, Jason West and Vince Zampella, have founded their own studio, Respawn Entertainment, that will function as a wing of EA. In addition, they brought a lawsuit against Activision and the other day a lawsuit was also brought against Activision by a group of 38 current and former Infinity Ward employees seeking compensation for withheld royalties, among other issues.

Activision is continuing to press forward with new iterations of Call of Duty, however, and the Treyarch-developed game will be the first one to arrive since the blockbuster success of Modern Warfare 2, which recently received a Guinness World Record as the biggest entertainment launch of all time.

Source: GameTrailers TV

Geoff Calver

Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Game lover. XBL Gamertag: GeoffCalver

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