Canadians! Win A Trip To BioWare’s Edmonton Studios

Finally, Canadians have something to celebrate in the gaming world. Sure, you got snubbed out of that free copy of Red Faction: Guerilla that came with early copies of Darksiders and yes, you miss out on gaming deals that are offered on the American Amazon site, but hey, you, and you alone could win an opportunity to visit BioWare’s Edmonton studios and get $500 spending cash!

All you have to do to enter the sweepstakes is download the featured Mass Effect 2 gamer pic and complete the ‘Missing in Action’ achievement between now and February 25.

And don’t worry – it’s not like BioWare’s requiring you to complete the ‘Insanity’ achievement in which you have to defeat the game on Insane. Seriously, BioWare, hardcore is difficult enough!

No, ‘Missing in Action’ only requires that you complete the first section of the game. Clear your crew from the crashing Normandy and you are qualified to enter this contest.

So what are you waiting for, you lucky Canadians, you? Go change your gamer pic, begin playing Mass Effect 2 and then crack open a cold Molson Export (why do they call it Export when they don’t send it to the States?), watch Iginla rack up the goals in the Olympics and maybe you will be traveling to Edmonton before you know it.

Je suis très jalouse.

Source: Xbox

Geoff Calver

Founder and Editor-in-Chief. Game lover. XBL Gamertag: GeoffCalver

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