Preview Several Pages From The Newest Issue of the Mass Effect Comic
February 3, 2010 – Just as the first issue of Mass Effect: Redemption is hitting the iPhone App Store for free today, the second issue of the Dark Horse comic detailing the events leading up to Mass Effect 2 is arriving on store shelves. You can see a preview of the second issue at the bottom of the post, just in case you weren’t already sucked into the excellent series.
Mass Effect: Redemption is to be a four-part comic book series. It is penned by BioWare’s Lead Writer, Mac Walters. The series’ second entry follows Liara T’Soni, the beautiful and deadly Asari scientist who was a member of Shepard’s crew (and a potential lover) in Mass Effect as she searches for Shepard’s body.
It will follow her exploits through Omega with a tough Drell named Feron. The preview below offers a glimpse at her adventures through Omega and her run-in with Aria T’loak, the Asari who runs the crime-ridden city.
Check out the preview below and get ready sink your teeth into more Mass Effect.